
A popular video encoder designed by Apple. It is very easy to use which makes it ideal for users who aren’t skilled with video encoding. Currently, only ProRes standard is supported in EncodeGUI.

Recommended for:
Very high video resolution (up to 7680x4320), videos intended to be viewed on Apple devices, high color depth support (up to 12-bit), very easy encoding experience.

NOT recommended for:
High video compression, videos intended to be viewed on non-Apple devices.


ProRes Profile


This option configures the profile for the ProRes encoder. 422 profile is ideal for most videos where higher bit depth or color sample videos will need a higher profile such as 422 HQ or 4444(XQ).

ProRes Color Spaces (Optional)


The color space options allow you to specify each of the color spaces in the video in ProRes' metadata. These options will not convert the color spaces, it only adds them as metadata.